Los Angeles

Art ExhibitionArt SceneArt TrendsArt TripperFeaturedInteractive ArtUncategorized

The Immersive Van Gogh Experience is Coming to LA

Even if you’re not an art aficionado per se, you’ve probably heard of one Vincent van Gogh – you might even know a...

Art FilmArt SceneArt TrendsFeaturedInterviewPhotographyReview

Meet the Photographer Tatiana Wills

Tatiana, your work has made its way onto the silver screen in Banksy’s street art documentary Exit Through The Gift Shop, been featured...

Art Sceneart tripperartiholicsFeaturedInterviewUncategorized

Prince of Venice Restaurant: the Tasteful Art of Italian Cuisine

Today we are honored to chat with His Royal Highness Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia from Italy. Hi Emanuele, You are the Prince...

Art NerdArt Q&AArt TripperDrawingFeaturedInterviewLife DrawingPaintingUncategorized

The Inspiring Story of the Fine Artist Ann Ruth

This week we had the pleasure to chat with the fine artist Ann Ruth from Rolling Hills, CA and we are here to...

Art CriticFeaturedGlobalMuralNew York CityStreet ArtStudio Visit

From Street Art to Contemporary Art, an Unusual Path in the Market

A conversation with the artist KAI Kai, how did you become an artist and when? Are you from a family of artists? I’m...


