Speed round! Pat and Stephen had to get to trivia night because who else’s going to know what year Space Jam was released (ahem 1996)? We all watched the Simpsons/Family Guy crossover episode and have some words. Don Hertzfeldt’s Simpsons couch gag made people confused and intrigued. Also, the CW cancelled its Saturday morning cartoon lineup, the last of its kind on network TV, and you might be surprised what we think about that. And finally, we have clips and trailers to talk about!
“Big Hero 6” trailer 2
“The Simpsons” season 24 premiere (on Hulu)
Don Hertzfeldt Simpsons couch gag
“The Simpsons Guy” (on Hulu)
“Asterix & Obelix” clip (in French)
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Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)
Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)
Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)
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