Igor Babailov once said that “Painting should educate and enrich. Modern painting merely offers a split-second emotion: You see it, you have an...
ByEsther WambuiNovember 1, 2018The 67th Regiment Armory on the Upper East Side was buzzing on Friday afternoon. The works range widely—from antiquities, rare books, and maps to...
ByNoah IndianaOctober 29, 2018Clio Art Fair has been and still is the main art fair for independent artists in New York and was born from the...
ByNoah IndianaOctober 25, 2018IBN Battuta once said that “travelling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a story teller.’’ How true could this be? Well, I...
ByEsther WambuiSeptember 28, 2018The best things in life are those that happen unexpectedly. The things that catch us by surprise, of course, in a good way....
ByEsther WambuiSeptember 12, 2018