Interactive Art

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Video Games Now Look Like Landscape Paintings GTA V Trailer

New York, NY – Wednesday, July 10, 2013 There are probably a lot of reasons all of those who would-have-been this generation’s greatest...

Art LabArt NerdArt TrendsCaptionComicsExperimentsFeaturedInteractive ArtWTF?

And The Design Taxi Caption Contest Winner Is………Me?!

New York, NY – Friday, June 7, 2013 I’ve mentioned on Facebook Before that no matter how many times I enter The New...

AnimationArt NerdArt TrendsArt TripperFeaturedHidden Art TreasureInteractive ArtLine ArtSignageTelevision

Well, At Least Now We Know Which State Springfield Is In.

Universal Orlando, Florida – Thursday, Jun 6, 2013 It’s the classic story; man draws cartoon boy, cartoon boy eats shorts, cartoon town is...


