triangulism-artiholicsNew York – Wednesday, March 26, 2014

One of the only Manhattan art collectives, Con Artist Collective, has currently on exhibit a trio of artists who’s work pushes the humble triangle to it’s extremes.


Brandon Wisecarver, Patrick Grzelewski, and Jamie Martinez, the three artists in the show.

These artists borrow the visual form of the triangle and its wealth of symbolic meaning. Their collaboration is in and of itself a triangle; a union of three creative points of reference focusing on the same symbolic center.

When invited to an art opening revolving around the triangle, the first place my mind jumped to was that scene in Art School Confidential where Malkovich talks about his evolution into triangle paintings.


Having already seen Jamie’s Tiger made from triangles at the Clio Art Fair, I had an idea that seeing an entire show of his work wouldn’t disappoint.


Like the Tiger, when seen though a camera view finder, or through a phone, these images are more easily distinguishable as paintings of ancient sculptures heads.  They are hand painted on hundreds of tiny squares broken into triangles, somewhat of a triangle pixelation, tricking your eye using the same principals of a Chuck Close portrait.  One of these two sold early on.


Jamie isn’t just a painter, he also works in 3D, with this orange liquid filled plexiglass triangle.


An x-ray with triangles stitched into it.


Jamie made this 3D printed missile.


Jamie and a bunch of the Artefuse contributors.

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Artist Jamie Martinez.

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Artist Joseph Grazi talking with Jamie about his work.  Joseph was gallery hopping with Yeah Yeah Yeah’s drummer Brian Chase.


Artist Patrick Grzelewski and his collages.

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In the back of the room is a small wooden room installation by Brandon Wisecarver.  When you enter it and close the door you see a black light and laser light show of glowing triangles.triangulism-19-artiholics triangulism-20-artiholics triangulism-21-artiholics

Andres Augusto Penaranda.

triangulism-22-artiholicsBrian Shevlin, founder of Con Artist Collective.

∆ will be on display from Tuesday, March 11th to Saturday, March 29th. It opened on March 12th at 8pm, had a gallery night March 19th at 8pm, and a closing party Wednesday,  March 26th at 7pm.

Con Artist Collective
119 Ludlow Street
New York, NY 10002
11:00 am – 11:00 pm

Written & photographed by Cojo “Art Juggernaut”

Written by
Cojo Art Juggernaut

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Artiholics, Art Sucks, and the soon to be launched podcast Artist In Repose, Cojo "Art Juggernaut" (Colin C. Jorgensen) is a NYC based artist, art writer, and occasional photographer.

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