EPISODE 010: “The Letter”: Gallery girls are a dime a dozen in this town, and Jim never seems to get one worth the full...
ByCojo Art JuggernautMay 13, 2014New York – Tuesday, May 13, 2014 Legendary surrealist painter who’s Oscar winning special effects defined the look of Ridley Scott’s Alien, H.R....
ByCojo Art JuggernautMay 13, 2014New York – Monday, May 12, 2014 I was having a conversation with a fellow artist at a gallery opening the other night...
ByCojo Art JuggernautMay 12, 2014New York – Thursday, May 8, 2014 The lesson for today kids is as follows: Stealing, lying, and turning innocent bystanders into criminals...
ByCojo Art JuggernautMay 8, 2014New York – Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Cutlog is the first of the Frieze Week Art Fairs to open their doors to the...
ByCojo Art JuggernautMay 7, 2014