The Tsuyu Asui card, nestled snugly within the Jet Burn expansion pack, has been generating quite a frenzy in the world of My...
ByKhanNovember 3, 2023My Hero Academia: Jet Burn is just around the corner, and I know that, like me, many other collectors are stressing over what...
ByKhanOctober 20, 2023The Kyoka Jiro Alternate Art is a part of the My Hero Academia Jet Burn expansion pack, which is set to release soon....
ByKhanOctober 19, 2023The Mina Ashido Alternate Art is a part of the My Hero Academia Jet Burn expansion pack, which is set to release soon....
ByKhanOctober 18, 2023The Momo Yaoyorozu Alternate Art is a gem tucked away in the Jet Burn expansion pack. It’s a big deal because it’s the...
ByKhanOctober 12, 2023