This week we have a very special interview: Alan Becker, creator of the hit “Animator vs Animation” stick-fight series joins us to talk about his experience with Kickstarter, what happened when his first short went viral, and how he actually does the things he does! There’s a lot of really great stuff here for young and old animators from the Indie scene, especially when he starts talking about when and how he had to navigate the murky waters of a viral hit. And be sure to check out his work embedded below!
“Animator vs Animation 4”
Behind the scenes video
His Flash tutorials
“Animator vs Animation 3”
“Animator vs Animation 2”
“Animator vs Animation 1”
“If Water Had Eyes”
Spirited Away MineCraft project
Check out more of your hosts:
Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)
Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)
Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)
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