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Follow Me: Murad Osmann’s Viral Instagram Art Series

New York – Friday, March 8, 2013

On February 28th Mashable posted a series of pictures from Instagram user and world-famous (that is, as of 8 days ago) photographer Murad Osmann.  I’ve compiled a new photo slideshow from the awesome instagram Follow Me series, which is just as cool if not cooler than the original Mashable Gallery, including a shot of Murad Osmann following his girlfriend towards graffiti, as well as some other artsy venues.

They are globe trackers living an insane life, and we (as viewers of the now viral work) are being drug along vicariously.   I was curious to see what new places they’ve been, and what photos the Mashable article didn’t use, so I created a nice little gallery (above) of some of his other works.  You will also see a self portrait, shots of his girlfriend’s face (which is never shot in the Follow Me pictures) as well as a meta photo taken by someone of Murad shooting one of the Follow Me photos, so you can see the process.

In real life he’s executive producer at Moscow-based Hype Production,  which sends him around the globe to shoot professionally, his Follow Me series (shot one handed with an iphone and using the Camera+ app  for corrections) depict him being led by the hand by his redheaded girlfriend (shooting the scene with the other).

Really a great exploration of a theme, and nice work if you can get it.

Above are the photos from the original article if you haven’t seen them.

Source: Mashable.

Artist: Murad Osmann

Written by Cojo “Art Juggernaut”


Written by
Rick Jeffries

From Fortune 500 brands to startup entrepreneurs around the world, Rick Jeffries brings a fresh new approach to marketing and internet strategy.

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