This week we saw Glen Keane (the master animator behind Ariel from “The Little Mermaid”) draw in Virtual Reality, and then Batman et al beat up sea creatures (including Ariel) in the new Batmetal animated music video. We finally get to see what “Wabbit,” Bugs Bunny’s new series, will look like and learn about a Spongebob Squarepants musical and a possible Avengers-style teamup movie of your favorite 90s NickToons. These next two episodes are a little special, and not just because they precede our 100th episode LIVE show! With Stephen traveling this week, two episodes were recorded in one session. The split between them is a cliffhanger of epic proportions (I may be overselling that)! Enjoy and leave the evening of Sunday, September 27 open to join us for our 100th episode, LIVE!
… and?
Glen Keane sketching characters in Virtual Reality with an HTC Vive headset in this short, “Step Into The Page”
Trailer for WABBIT, the new Bugs Bunny series
NerdWriter video essay on “Children of Men” camera narrative (referenced at 14:41)
Adam Phillips’ fan-made music video for Ween’s “Transdermal Celebration” (referenced at 29:24)
Check out more of your hosts:
Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)
Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)
Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)
And please Rate/Review us on iTunes
… and Rate/Review us on Stitcher while you’re at it! (=
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