In the bustling world of My Hero Academia Universus, where quirks and chaos reign supreme, there’s one card that’s been causing quite a...
ByKhanDecember 4, 2023In the ever-evolving world of MHA CCG, the “Hacker Extraordinaire,” featuring the mysterious La Brava is making waves. Let’s unravel the intriguing story...
ByKhanNovember 30, 2023In a world overflowing with quirks, where heroes and villains bask in the limelight, the “Citywide Tensions” card from the My Hero Academia...
ByKhanNovember 30, 2023In MHA CCG, a standout card has taken center stage— the “What is a Symbol”. This gem has become a sensation, and it’s...
ByKhanNovember 29, 2023The Turn It Up Promo is a dazzling addition to the My Hero Academia Universus promo set, showcasing none other than the iconic...
ByKhanNovember 28, 2023