Art Nerd

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Are You With Me Hobbes?

New York City, NY – Tuesday, March 5, 2013 Calvin & Hobbes have been a huge inspiration to me (as you can guess...

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Dr. Swancoat Delivers Babies & Art

Chelsea, New York City – Friday, March 1, 2013 The Steven Swancoat show at Phantom Audio was a packed bowl of mixed art...

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Armory Arts Week Is Coming… Running the Gauntlet

New York, NY- March 5-10 The craziest marathon run of art fairs is coming yet again to NYC next week, and I am...

3DArt LabArt NerdFeaturedGalleryGlobalPop

Little People Big Food

Ever wonder  what it would be like to be smaller than a Smurf?  What would your world would look like if all of...

Personal absurdities (1997) by artist collective Inges Idee
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Art Sometimes Imitates Life, This Time Art Imitates Height

Berlin, Germany – 1997 Personal absurdities (1997)  is conceptual art piece created by Inges Idee, a German art collective formed in 1992 consisting...


