This week we have listener submitted questions (!!) but not before talking about the “Big Hero 6” trailer, “Happy” the happy meal mascot, and a couple other stories. Also, what would The Rubber Onion podcast be without some weird tangents? Behold as we talk about music we don’t like and discuss the merits of the Michael Bay opus, “Pain & Gain.” And on a serious note, thanks to everyone who’s been listening and supporting this podcast! You’re awesome and really have made doing this fun and worthwhile week in and week out, through travel, tech issues, and diseases. We started with a little episode “zero,” still going strong at 30 and don’t intend on slowing down! We’re here to stay! Insert Drake reference!
Check out more of your hosts:
Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)
Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)
Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)
And please Rate/Review us on iTunes
… and Rate/Review us on Stitcher while you’re at it! (=
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