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Dr. Bendor’s Cat Destroys Rare Painting


Before you get a pet, you cannot quite imagine what living with one can be like, it just doesn’t come on a silver platter; you have to keep it clean, ensure it is well fed and of course healthy. However, once you become fond of it, you cannot imagine living without it; it becomes your best friend or even your family.

Pets are amazing and adorable and all those other cute names you would want to call them however, it’s not always the red-roses kind of beauty with them around. Pets do mess things up especially in our houses for instance: the dog can eat your homework or that very important document from your lawyer or the cat can pour your last jug of milk and actually drink it like it was theirs from the beginning. Annoying, right? The irony of it is that we still keep them around and can go a little crazy if they go missing for a few hours.

Dr. Bendor Grosvenor, a British art historian, is also a victim of the mess created by pets. His situation can actually be termed as a disaster. He invested roughly $12,800 in the purchase and restoration of a portrait of a man by the 17th century British artist John Michael Wright only for his cat to destroy it within seconds. Dr. Bendor bought the painting in 2015 because it was in excellent condition, the details were still in good condition and Mr. Wright was one of his favorite artists and has spent quite a lot in its restoration.

His cat never really need a lot of effort to actually destroy the piece, pets don’t really need that much effort to cause a mess do they? The cat jumped and forcefully landed at the center of the painting. Luckily it landed on his clothing and not the face on the painting. $12,800 down the drain like its nothing, sad right? Maybe it is the cost that comes with keeping a pet.

It will cost Dr. Bendor almost the same amount it did while he was buying the painting to repair the painting. The damage is fixable but it will obviously won’t be the same again.


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