Romero Britto once said that “Art is too important not to share.” Art is meant to be seen by the public, to be interpreted differently, to be celebrated, to act as a source of inspiration, to inspire and to heal among many others. Different artworks have stood out in the public domain and caught the eye of many for instance, the “Mona Lisa” painting created by Leonardo Da Vinci can be named as one of the most outstanding pieces ever created as well as the “ Statue of Liberty” in the United States originally sculpted by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi among many others. Different artworks stand out depending on their uniqueness and the artist who created them.
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum -
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum -
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum -
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum -
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum
The works of Andy Warhol were and still are in the limelight as far as the world of art work is concerned. Warhol was an American artist, director and producer. He was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as the Pop Art. He was well known for printmaking, painting and photography works. Pen and ink, ballpoint pen, blotted line, graphite and acrylic paint are terms that were common to Warhol; they were his tools of work. He received numerous awards and has exhibited in different shows and was the most successful and highly paid commercial illustrator in New York even before he began to make art destined for galleries.
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum -
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum -
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum -
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum -
Photo Courtesy of Andy Warhol Museum
Warhol’s works gained him a spot in the art world while he was still alive and even after his death his name is still a big deal. The New York Academy of Art will be showing drawings of the pop artist Andy Warhol. The academy will present “Andy Warhol: By Hand, Drawings from the 1950s-1980s,” an exhibition of more than 150 illustrations, many of which have never been exhibited in the United States. This will provide a platform for Warhol’s work to be shown to the art lovers and also to other artists.
The show will be opening on January 22 and running into March. The show has been co-curated by David Kratz, the president of the New York Academy, and Vincent Fremont, formerly an executive manager of the artist’s studio and a founder of the Andy Warhol Foundation.
Andy said that “business art is the step that comes after art, I started as a commercial artist and I want to finish as a business artist.” He became one of the world’s most successful artists and made different types of art that were highly lucrative. Andy Warhol is a legend, and even after his death he comes back in the New York Academy.
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