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The One And Only True Muscle Car

_0010_december-23New York – Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A beauty, and powered much like the Flintstone’s vehicle which gained mobility “courtesy of Fred’s two feet” this will be going nowhere fast if you haven’t eaten your Wheaties.  German artist Hannes Langeder, 45, spent six months and 1,000 hours constructing the life-sized pedal-powered eco-friendly car, which cost €13,000 (£11,000) to build.  A real Porsche GT3 RS runs about £130,000, and also runs on gas.

Let’s look to high end structural engineering and design to see how to modify a recumbent bike into a smoking hot Porsche.  Why would you do this?  You have to really love the look of a Porsche from the outside, yet not give a microcosm of a shit about any other attribute a Porsche might possess.

If you do like Porsche’s this badly,  you must next ask yourself “Can I afford an actual  Porsche?” It the answer is yes, you may want to, buy the Porsche.

I guess there are only a few reasons why you would want to devote countless hours and money to design and craft a prototype bike/Porsche.  Reason number one would be that  you care extremely for the environment.  Your level of care has to be directly proportional to your shallowness towards outwardly  looking good on a surface level.  This would make you a good candidate to want to construct the bike/Porsche.

Reason number two would be if you are part of a Porsche enthusiasts club, but have had your license suspended for DUI.

If either of the above apply, then this may calm down that Porsche hard-on you’ve been tucking behind your waistband since puberty.

***Attn: If you’ve built something this cool, let me know so we can show it off for you.

Written by Cojo “Art Juggernaut”

Written by
Cojo Art Juggernaut

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Artiholics, Art Sucks, and the soon to be launched podcast Artist In Repose, Cojo "Art Juggernaut" (Colin C. Jorgensen) is a NYC based artist, art writer, and occasional photographer.

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