
Oil Painted animated film “Loving Vincent,” new Final Fantasy movie, and Andy Kennedy’s experimental short “Slow Wave” – RubberOnion Animation Podcast #127

loving vincent oil painted film, new final fantasy movie, nerdland trailer, and experimental animated short by andy kennedy on episode 127 of the rubberonion animation podcast with stephen brooks and rob yulfo

SEGMENT EPISODE! Busy + tired = Stephen is grumpy. But you listeners saved me by providing all the stories and topics you wanted covered and we ran through them all (saving some for later episodes as well because they were just so good)! It’s a brisk 1hr episode this time so enjoy!

Preorder my book coming out in July 2016:

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And you can now listen to us out on SoundCloud!

Topics & Timestamps:

(6:05) “How You Doin?”
(6:28) Rob’s continuing “Foot Surgery Saga”
(17:55) TMNT Crossover episode “Trans-dimensional Turtles” talkback
(21:59) Animation News of the Week…



Media Referenced During this Episode:

Slow Wave from andy kennedy on Vimeo.

Fun "re-edit" of the end of Episode 4 'Perfectly Suited' by our buddies at Rubber Onion Animation…

Posted by The Barefoot Bandits on Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Check out more of your hosts:

Stephen Brooks
Rob Yulfo


Preorder Stephen’s Animation Tutorial Book:

ICON-itunes-50x50And please Rate/Review us on iTunes
ICON-soundcloud-50x50 Subscribe on SoundCloud 
ICON-stitcher-50x50… and Rate/Review us on Stitcher while you’re at it! (=

Written by
Stephen Brooks

Stephen Brooks is a freelance animator in NYC that specializes in a hand-drawn style. Being a professional since 2005, he also produces indie shorts with self-made music, sound fx & voices. Lately Stephen has taken to introducing others to animation with production VLOGs, a podcast, instructional videos and is writing a book on traditional principles in a digital world. View his animation work

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