Is “Hello Kitty” a cat or isn’t she?! Is “Bojack Horseman” any good? Is Marvel actually making a “Guardians of the Galaxy” animated series? She is, it is, and they aren’t. There, now you don’t need to listen to the episode. But if you didn’t you’d miss our soothing voices and witty quips! Rob has some major technical issues and it made for an Intro that made me laugh so hard while I was cutting it together I had to take a break to wipe the tears from my eyes. How’s THAT for raising your expectations too high?! Also, do YOU know why we named this episode “Purse on Vacation?” I’ll give you a hint: say it fast. I’ll give you another hint: Rob can’t pronounce words.
Animated short 2009 (topic brought up at 57:21 in the podcast)
Same animated short redone in 2014
Check out more of your hosts:
Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)
Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)
Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)
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