Noam Chomsky once said that “Everyone’s worried about stopping terrorism; well there’s really an easy way, stop participating in it.” This statement actually makes so much sense, if we’d stop participating in it, then we wouldn’t have to worry about it, would we? Terrorism is not a new word in almost all countries all over the world. It is the unlawful and forceful use of violence against civilians in the pursuit of different aims, it could be political or even religious. Terrorism leaves behind big scars that can never be forgotten, massive destruction of property and the greatest loss which is loss of lives.
Terrorism instills fear among civilians and acts as a wakeup call to the government of the day and basically everyone to be alert and enhance security, to watch out for odd scenarios and to report to the authorities whenever you notice something that is alarming and could pose danger to people or even property. This inhuman act tends to bring people together and it is in that unity that we separate ourselves from animals because we mourn even the people we have never met.
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Photo Courtesy of Getty Images
Paris is not new to terror attacks; in 2015, there was an attack at the Bataclan music hall that left 90 people dead when a group of armed militants raided the music hall during a rock music concert. The group was shooting randomly at the crowd and even took hostage of the survivors.
We all love to remember our loved ones and for the terrorism victims there are different ways in which people from different countries pay homage to them. In most circumstances a special day can be set aside to remember those who lost their lives and their names can be engraved on a wall or stone and some candles lit just to pay respect to them. Paying tribute reminds us of the fateful day and the events that occurred but most importantly, they give us a reason to remain even stronger.
Bansky, a famous British artist who keeps his identity a secret, produces artworks that pop up in public spaces such as walls of buildings. He began spray painting walls and trains in his home city of Bristol in the early 1990s but he expanded his work beyond and aimed at leaving an artistic mark all over the world. His idea of showing his works in public spaces also worked well as a way of paying tribute to the citizens who perished during the rock concert in Paris. He painted an artwork and had it hanged at one of the emergency doors of the hall as a way to remember all Parisians and citizens who perished on that fateful day. The painting depicted a young female figure with a mournful expression.
Sadly, the painting was recently stolen and according to a source that was close to the investigation, the theft of the painting involved a group of hooded individuals armed with angle grinders. The alleged group cut out and removed the painting from one of the emergency doors at the venue and reportedly drove away with it in a truck.
Over the years, Bansky’s work has become very popular with some of it selling for a six figure-sum.
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