Art Of...attack on titan

Attack Titan’s Destructive Power From AOT Battle For Humanity

The Attack Titan’s Destructive Power captures the raw, unrelenting strength of the Attack Titan, one of the most iconic titans from the series.

This card is all about destruction and chaos, just like its namesake. In this particular illustration, the Attack Titan is depicted in full rage mode, ready to tear down anything in its path.

This card represents a powerful offensive play, reflecting the unstoppable force of the titan. Lets dive deeper into the card’s lore.


The Attack Titan, one of the Nine Titans, has been passed down through generations, most famously ending up in the hands of Eren Yeager. Its purpose is simple: to fight for freedom and to keep pushing forward, regardless of the obstacles in the way.

Eren’s mastery of the Attack Titan plays a key role in the larger struggle between humanity and the titans. With each new user, the titan has evolved, but its core drive remains unchanged—to never bow down to tyranny.


Eren’s Attack Titan doesn’t just come with raw power. It has the unique ability to influence the memories of its past and future inheritors, giving Eren access to knowledge and experiences that span centuries.

This makes it a titan of both strength and wisdom, allowing Eren to act with foresight in many situations.


Attack Titan's Destructive Power

The artwork of this card is as intense as you’d expect. It shows the Attack Titan in mid-rampage, its muscles bulging, and its skin glowing with the vibrant energy of transformation.

The use of deep reds, purples, and fiery effects really emphasize the destructive nature of the titan. You can practically feel the ground shaking under its immense weight, and the expression on the titan’s face? Pure rage.


Since the release of the set, the card “Attack Titan’s Destructive Power” has held a solid value of around $5.

Given the popularity of the series and the fact that it’s one of the signature titans, this is a decent price for collectors and players alike. The card is not just a must-have for fans of the anime but also a game-changer in competitive play due to its powerful abilities.

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